Book Review: Few Are Angels (Few Are Angels #1) by Inger Iverson + Giveaway

Reviewed by: Siobhán
Format: Kindle Ebook
Pages: 298
Published: 28th May 2012
Publisher: Self-Published
Source: Author for Review
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance
Buy: Amazon UK I Amazon US

After a fatal hit and run accident, Ella Monroe fears that she’s lost more than her beloved parents. Horrifying visions of a past life and a disturbing voice in her head have psychiatric professionals convinced that she’s lost her sanity as well. But when Kale--a dark and handsome stranger with a mysterious past--reveals the true meaning of her visions and the tremendous power she wields through them, Ella must come to terms with the devastating truths of her own past, while eluding an ancient Dark Prince who seeks to control not only her future, but all of mankind’s, by means of abilities that Ella is only beginning to understand. Enter the shrouded world of an age old battle between an ancient race known as the Immortals and their bitter enemy Laurent, the so-called Dark Prince, who commands an army of half-breed vampires known as Chorý. Both sides have been desperately searching for the prophesied emergence of the Arc, a clairvoyant with unparalleled power to recall the past and a soothsayer with clear vision into the future. The Council of Immortals has sworn to protect the Arc, whom they have identified as young Ella Monroe, a college freshman from Virginia living quietly and unaware of her powers or her past. But a renegade Chorý has other plans for the protection of a girl he has loved through the ages. Can Kale convince Ella of who she is, what she is destined to become, and what he once meant to her? Is he truly the best protector to shield the world from the devastating misuse of her powers that Laurent is bent on controlling? Or will the forbidden love they share and Kale’s cursed condition as a retched and hated Chorý be used against them both? 

I received this for review a few weeks ago and only have just read it. I am kicking myself now because Few Are Angels was such a wonderful and unique story that completely gripped me.

Few Are Angels is about Ella, who after a horrible crash that kills her parents, is starting to have "visions" of the past. And when she meets Kale her world is torn apart. Soon she is being hunted and learning the truth about herself.

I really enjoyed Few Are Angels. I found the characters very engaging and exciting. Ella is very likeable and you feel for her since she has lost her parents and when she is opened to a world she didn't know excited she takes it all in her stride. When she meets Kale there is an instant attraction, now that for me this was annoying. I'm not into instalove and even though there is a backstory behind their story I felt it didn't seem realistic. However as the story continues and we learn more about Kale and it is very easy to understand why Ella likes him so much. He is hot, caring and slightly dangerous.

The story itself was very different and dark at times. I devoured it flows perfectly from one scene to another without anything having to be forced. However, I did find the end slightly disappointing and leaves you on a cliffhanger but its makes me really excited to read book 2. As I mentioned above there is a backstory to the main story that is very interesting I hope that is developed more in future books.

I highly recommend Few Are Angels if you are looking for something quick that has love, action, a gripping plot and Vampires! Yes, Vampires back to my first love!

Rate: 4/5

Inger has kindly offer up 2 prizes! One is a signed copy of the paperback edition. And the other is a ebook gift of the book either on Kindle or Nook. 
Giveaway is International. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for the giveaway! Haven't heard of this book before but I like the sound of it. And I really like the cover

  2. Thanks so much for the giveaway. Sounds good :)


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