Swim the Fly by Don Calame

Format: ARC Paperback
Pages: 336
Published: June 1st 2011
Publisher: Templar Publishing
Genre: YA, Humor

Three adolescent boys with a single goal: see a real-live naked girl. The result? Razor-sharp, rapid-fire, and raunchy, of course. And beyond hilarious.

Fifteen-year-old Matt Gratton and his two best friends, Coop and Sean, always set themselves a summertime goal. This year's? To see a real-live naked girl for the first time — quite a challenge, given that none of the guys has the nerve to even ask a girl out on a date. But catching a girl in the buff starts to look easy compared to Matt's other summertime aspiration: to swim the 100-yard butterfly (the hardest stroke known to God or man) as a way to impress Kelly West, the sizzling new star of the swim team.

I received an Arc copy of this novel through the mail on Saturday. I just want to thank Waterstones for providing it. I am aware that the book has been released in the US and I think (I am not 100% sure) that it only just being published in the UK.

Swim the Fly is the debut novel of screenwriter Don Calame (Employee of the Month) Its a quick and funny story of three fifteen year old boys trying to complete their summer goal. They set one every summer and this summer its to see a naked girl. The story is very funny at times and even though the humor can sometimes be very crude its very typical of teenage boy humor. I found myself laughing out loud so much I as crying Lol. I do like crude humor. I don't know if its because I am weird or just because I'm from the UK and well the UK humor is rather crude sometimes.

As much as I found the it funny and it didn't take me long to read. I just didn't connect to any of the characters. I don't know why. Maybe it was because well I am not a fifteen year old boy and I have no interest in seeing naked girl (or naked people in general). Saying that I like the main character Matt, he was likeable at times and that made it easier to read. He made me laugh. When he volunteered to do the butterfly stroke. I though typical boy. Lol. Trying to impress a girl. Even though he knew he couldn't do it.  Matt and his friends get themselves into some very funny situations. And even though I didn't really like his friend Coop and liked Sean. Coop is the initiator of the crazy plans to see naked girls and and I just didn't like him that much. Sean was likeable. I think it was he was the one Matt and Coop made fun of so I felt sorry for him. However, all three bring something to the friendship and the story.

Overall, if you are looking for a quick and funny read that doesn't need much brain power then please give this ago. Warning I think this is book for the boys. However, I think girls can enjoy it as well.

Rate: 3/5


Originally Review: 14 March 2011

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