*Book Review* Age of Iron (Iron Age #1) by Angus Watson

Reviewed By: Siobhán
Format: Paperback
Pages: 560
Published: 2nd Sept 2014
Publisher:  Orbit
Source:  Publisher**
Genre:  Epic Fantasy
Shelfability: Covet/Acquire
Buy: Amazon UK I Amazon US I Book Depository


Dug Sealskinner is a down-on-his-luck mercenary travelling south to join up with King Zadar's army. But he keeps rescuing the wrong people.

First, Spring, a child he finds scavenging on the battlefield, and then Lowa, one of Zadar's most fearsome warriors, who's vowed revenge on the king for her sister's execution.

Now Dug's on the wrong side of that thousands-strong army he hoped to join ­- and worse, Zadar has bloodthirsty druid magic on his side. All Dug has is his war hammer, one rescued child and one unpredictable, highly-trained warrior with a lust for revenge that's going to get them all killed . . .

It's a glorious day to die.
- Goodreads
Epic Fantasy isn't usually my kind of read but when the publisher asked me to review it I decided to step out of my comfort reading zone and try something different. And I am so glad I did because I loved it.

Age of Iron is set in the British Iron Age, which I have to admit I know nothing about. So I have no idea what is historically accurate or not. It's a very dark and brutal time and that is portrayed in a very blood thirsty and extreme way. This book is not for the faint hearted. I found myself struggling with some of  the gore and scenes but I pushed through those parts because the plot was mind blowing.

The story is told from quite a few character's point of views but the main characters are Dug, Lowa and Spring. They all have very interesting stories and together they make an outstanding Trio. Dug, is  a Warrior. He is tough and funny. But it's quite a dark humour that I loved it. Lowa is seriously kickass!! I would not want to mess with her. Spring, is just a child but she bond's with Dug and really cares for him and vise verse. It "father/daughter" type bond even though they aren't related at all.

As I mentioned above Epic Fantasy is not my usual read. I usually find that they take forever for me to read because most author's spent way to much world building and going off in completely pointless directions when trying to explain something. However, this author doesn't do that here. You are just thrown into the story and into the action so you are hooked from the beginning! I loved an action packed read and this was exploding with action.

I highly recommend Age of Iron if you like Epic fantasy and it will appeal to those who love Game of Thrones! I can't wait for the next instalment of this series and finding out what adventures and trouble our main characters get into.

Since there is a few disturbing scene I wouldn't recommend this to anyone under the age of 16! I am 27 and even I found a few things disturbing and found myself skipping over them.

**Book was given to me via the publisher in exchange for an HONEST review. This did not sway my review in anyway.

If you have read the book please share your thoughts in the comments or share you review links :)
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