NetGalley Month: Link Up

NetGalley Month has started!!!!! Are we excited?? (or scared like me with my NetGalley TBR lol) 

This post is so we can link up our reviews we do of any netgalley title. If you use Edelwiess you are more than welcome to add them to the link gadget aswell. There will be a giveaway at the end month. To qualify for entry all you need to do is:

1. Make sure you are have SIGNED UP (NOW CLOSED)
 Note, Sign up closes 10th May and if you don't have a blog add the url to your goodreads/facebook page/where ever you write reviews :)

2. Link at least ONE review in the Link Gadget below, 
And that's it!! Easy Peasy, Right? 

Please when Linking up, remember to link up the review URL not your Blog home page URL


  1. Awesome Siobhan! I'm reading Until I Die at the moment so as soon as my review is up I'll link it up! Donna xoxo

    1. awesome!! I didnt request that cause I have paperback. I need to reread book1 barely remember it lol.

  2. Ok, my first review is posted: The Shapeshifter's Secret by Heather Ostler, + there's an interview with the author so check that out! :)

    Aleksandra @ Divine Secrets of a Little Bookworm

  3. No Linky is showing up for me!

  4. Sorry, I posted on twitter and fb. There will be no link up tool. Cause they all want me to pay. So just leave your review links in.the comments :)

  5. I forgot to add the name of my blog in the link title for a couple of books... Narc, Burn, and the last link, We Sinners. Sorry :/


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