
#BlogTour: Guest Post by Katharine & Elizabeth Corr

Today I am really excited to be part of the blog tour for a 2016 debut novel called "The Witch's kiss". The authors have a fantastic guest post for you all enjoy about their favourite siblings in  literature.

Title: The Witch’s Kiss
Author: Katharine & Elizabeth Corr
Genre: YA Fantasy
Publisher: Harper Collins
Published: 30th June 2016

About the Book
Sixteeen-year-old Meredith is fed-up with her feuding family and feeling invisible at school – not to mention the witch magic that shoots out of her fingernails when she’s stressed. Then sweet, sensitive Jack comes into her life and she falls for him hard. The only problem is that he is periodically possessed by a destructive centuries-old curse. Meredith has lost her heart, but will she also lose her life? Or in true fairytale tradition, can true love’s kiss save the day? 

Favourite siblings in literature
There are two relationships at the heart of The Witch’s Kiss: the romance between Merry and Jack, and – just as important – the bond between Merry and her brother, Leo. As sisters who write together (and do a lot of other stuff together), it was really important for us to reflect our closeness in creating Merry and Leo. They have the best

kind of sibling relationship: they look out for each other and defend each other, and they’re both quite happy to point it out if they think the other one is being a bit of a numpty. But of course, sibling relationships can be anything but plain sailing. With that in mind, here are our Top Ten Bookish Siblings: some good, some very, very bad…

1) Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy from The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe, by C S Lewis

The first siblings we both remember reading about (apart from Peter and Jane from the Key Words reading scheme, and it’s hard to get much of a sense of their relationship from ‘Here is Peter. Here is Jane’). The portrayal of the four children is fantastic; you get a real sense of family dynamics. Sure, there’s competition, shifting alliances and betrayal, but when their backs are really up against the wall, the children love each other.

2) The Weasleys from Harry Potter, by J K Rowling

With the exception of Percy (and even he comes good right at the end) the Weasley siblings are all pretty lovely. Kind; honourable; occasionally brilliant at Quidditch. After reading the books we both wished that we came from a really big family. We wanted lots of other brothers and sisters to look out for us, play practical jokes on and go to Hogwarts with. Sigh.

3) Narcissa and Bellatrix Lestrange from Harry Potter, by J K Rowling

These two charming sisters seem to have a pretty good relationship. They use shortened versions of each other’s names (‘Bella’ and ‘Cissy’). They both support the Deatheaters and the dominance of pure-blood families. And Bellatrix follows Narcissa to visit Snape even though she clearly disproves of the whole helping-Malfoy-kill-Dumbledore-thing. But in the end, Narcissa’s devotion to her family and Bellatrix’s devotion to Voldemort outweigh their love for each other.

4) The Bennet sisters from Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen

Five sisters who (with the possible exception of Kitty, because she is – let’s face it – a bit drippy) are all compelling in their own way. Jane and Lizzie are the obvious stars of the family and are deeply devoted to each other. However, neither of them seems overly keen on their younger sisters; it’s hardly surprising that the others have reacted against them, either by trying to be smarter (Mary) or flirtier (Lydia). An interesting contrast to the Weasleys, and literary evidence that having a lot of siblings isn’t necessarily a good thing.

5) Katniss and Prim from The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins

Katniss and Prim are almost Lizzie and Jane Bennett in a dystopian future. Completely loyal to each other, their relationship is the only one that Katniss doesn’t question during the course of the books. Katniss’ grief at Prim’s death is devastating to read.

6) Hansel & Gretel

At no point does Gretel contemplate just doing a runner and leaving Hansel to his grisly fate. That may seem like a low bar, but given the morality of many fairy tale characters, this is pretty solid sisterly behaviour.

7) Charlie & Lola from the Charlie and Lola books, by Lauren Child

‘I have this little sister…’ All round cuteness, verging on annoyingly adorable. Charlie is the BEST elder brother in the world, with practically parental levels of patience. Which is just as well, really; although we hear a fair amount about Mum and Dad, no-one has ever actually seen them… Charlie is almost saintly. We suspect we would both lose it with Lola on a fairly frequent basis. 

8) Cinderella’s step-sisters

Sisters who have successfully made the leap from fairy tale to (pantomime) stage. In the Grimm Brother’s version of the story, the sisters are desperate enough to chop bits of their feet off in an effort to fit into Cinderella’s slippers. Though they present a united front when it comes to mistreating Cinderella, we can’t help feeling they would quite happily chop bits off each other if it guaranteed ending up with Prince Charming.

9) Jane and Alec from Twilight, by Stephanie Meyer

This gruesome twosome could give Narcissa and Bellatrix a run for their money. Sure, they come across as a bit one-dimensional, but still – given they are going against the literary trope by both being evil, we had to have them on the list. The only question is why they haven’t taken over the entire vampire world since (with the obvious exception of Edward and Bella) no one seems to be able to stand against them. 

10) Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy from Little Women, by Louisa Alcott 

Another of our early favourites, the March sisters are all strong women in their own different ways. We were (maybe surprisingly) more drawn to Beth and Amy than Meg (too much needlework – ugh!) and Jo (turning down Laurie – insane!), but the loving relationship between the sisters made it easy for us to identify with them. A great example of family life.

There was meant to be more images attached to the post but blogger has not been my friend the past few days and will not let me add them :( 

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