Book Review: Love & Leftovers by Sarah Tregay

Reviewed by: Siobhán
Format: Hardback
Pages: 432
Published: 27th Dec 2011 (US)
Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books
Source: Gift
Genre: YA Contemporary, Romance, Verse
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When her parents split, Marcie is dragged from Idaho to a family summerhouse in New Hampshire. She leaves behind her friends, a group of freaks and geeks called the Leftovers, including her emo-rocker boyfriend, and her father. By the time Labor Day rolls around, Marcie suspects this "vacation" has become permanent. She starts at a new school where a cute boy brings her breakfast and a new romance heats up. But understanding love, especially when you've watched your parents' affections end, is elusive. What does it feel like, really? Can you even know it until you've lost it? 

I received this from Lesley over at My Keeper Shelf. It was a book that I have been wanting for a while but just never got around to buying. Before I decided to start it I had no idea it was in verse so I was a little apprehensive incase I didn't like it. However, after I got my head around the verse I really enjoyed it and was simply amazed at how talented the author is to manage to convey such a packed story with so few words!!!

Love & Leftovers follow the story of Marcie who moves away from her home, away from all her friends and her boyfriend. She starts a new school and quickly befriends J.D and soon things move beyond friendship. However, Marcie has a boyfriend, Linus back in Idaho and things seem to go from bad to worse for poor Marcie. Can she choice who she wants? Does she believe in love?

As I said after I got my head around the verse and got into the story I was surprise at how much I adored it. I felt really connected to Marcie because she is very realistic and flawed like every human being in the world. She has so much going on in her life that she doesn't know who to turn to which leads to making some not so perfect choices. Especially with J.D, who I have to admit I thought he was adorable. He isn't perfect either but the two of them just seemed to connect. During the story Marcie is torn with her feeling for Linus, her boyfriend. He is sweet and cute but he never showed her he loved her or wanted to move things onto the next level which made Marcie confused and feel lonely. Something I think most people can relate to because being a relationship as a teen (even an adult) when people aren't clear with their feeling it can get very confusing.

Sarah Tregay, WOW, Lady you are a genuis! This is my first ever novel written in verse (I don't really count Paradise Lost lol) and I really am truely amazed at how much the author has managed to do with not a lot of words. She manages to get across the characters feelings, the setting, the main plot and a few sub plots within the story, I am just in awe of her.

I highly recommend this to anyone who is looking for a quick YA contemporary read that is packed with emotion and romance. You will be able to sit down and read this within about 2 hours. And if you haven't read any novels in Verse then please give this one ago.

Very rarely do I put quotes in my reviews but I love this following one just makes me smile :)

"My wish is to fall cranium over Converse in dizzy daydream-worthy love." - Marcie

Rate: 4/5


  1. I love that quote, it's what first drew me to this book. I remember reading Love and Leftoversone night before I was moving and I loved it. What's so great about it being written in verse is that you constantly get all the emotional punches without having to wait to read them. This is amazingly a lot deeper than what I originally thought before reading and I too highly recommend it.

  2. I really want to read this book. It sounds really cute :) Great review. Love the quote


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