Book Review: Shut Up by Anne Tibbets

Reviewed by: Siobhán
Format: Kindle eBook
Pages:  118
Published: 15th April 2012
Publisher: Premier Digital Publishing
Source: Author for Review
Genre: YA Realistic Fiction
Buy: Amazon UK I Amazon US

Mary’s older sister, Gwen, has royally screwed up her life. Not only is Gwen pregnant at seventeen, but she’s also decided to marry The Creep who knocked her up. Now Mary is powerless to stop her family from imploding. Her parents are freaking out, and to top it off, The Creep has a gross fascination with Mary while Gwen enjoys teasing her to tears for sport. Despite her brother’s advice to shut up, Mary can’t keep her trap closed and manages to piss off Mom so much it comes to blows. Mary doesn’t know what to do, and all her attempts to get help are rejected. When she finally plans her escape, she fails to consider how it could destroy them all.

Lately I have been really struggling with reading. May has been the worst reading slump ever. However, the only genres that keep to interested are realistic fiction. So when Anne contacted me to review her novel I jumped at the chance. And I am so glad I did because it was like nothing I have never read before. It's real and amazing!

Shut Up is told in a very interesting way. It tell's two stories alongside each other. One of Mary running away and the other of the events the leads up to Mary running away. Usually that can be confusing but thankfully it was easy to follow and makes your fall in love with the story all the more. Mary is only twelve and at home she is having to deal with so much that no twelve year old should be dealing with. Nothing she does is right and she is always getting into trouble over the smallest things. Her older sister, Gwen makes her life a misery. Gwen is pregnant and her boyfriend is a real creep. He is horrible and has a weird thing for Mary which is gross and poor Mary can't tell anyone. I seriously felt sorry for her during most the story. Everything just seems to get worse and worse for her. And when things do start getting better her world is blown apart and sends her in the downward spiral. Readers I think are going to like her, she is a unique and has a real voice that stands out among other YA protags. Her story is one that could help childrens deal with similiar situations, to make them realise that they aren't alone.

Anne has created a very fast paced and heartwarming story. It's gets right under your skin because the events that happen to Mary and her family are things that many children and teens deal with on a daily basis. It was so real that it keeps you reading until you get to the end and leaves you like "what?? No, please don't end" I was so connected to Mary by the end of the book I didn't want her story to end.

However, as I said what's happening to Mary, happens everyday. But I just couldn't help but think OMG her mum is a evil witch!!! I hated her for most of the book. I know kids can drive you crazy, believe me I know. My 5 year old drives me insane most days. However, I would never, ever, no matter how badly behaved my child was, treat him the way Mary's mum does. I don't hate characters in books that often but yes, I hated her most of the time. She does grow on a little when she was being nice but I couldn't forgive her.

Overall, I highly recommend Shut Up if you like a realistic story line that will have your gripped from start to finish. It's a short read with under 120pages but within those pages Anne has managed to create something amazing that will stay with me for long time!

Rate: 4/5


  1. Awesome review..i love when characters are fleshed out enough that you love them or hate them with a passion..sounds like evil mom did that. I also like the back and forth perceptive when its done right..thanks for sharing this and I hope the reading slump passes!


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