*Book Review* In My Dreams by Cameo Renae

Title: In My Dreams
Format: Ebook
Pages: 248
Published: 15th March 2015 (2nd Edition)
Publisher: Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly
Source: Kindle Unlimited
Genre: YA, Paranormal, Ghosts
Shelfability: Covet
Buy: Amazon UK I Amazon US I Book Depository
**About the Book**
he dreams were happening again. It was something seventeen-year-old Elizabeth Hayes thought she’d outgrown. She didn’t want them anymore; detailed premonitions of how people would die. One night, Lizzy’s worst nightmare occurs. She dreams of her boyfriend, Michael Young, and soon discovers his car was found in a river, along with his lifeless body. Confusion settles deep within when Michael appears alive in her dreams. He warns her, attempting to keep her safe from the very person who murdered him. Awake, Lizzy must pull on her inner strength, not only to save herself, but also her friends whose lives are in danger. In My Dreams is a story of trust, friendship, courage, and true love that lives beyond the grave.


What can I say about In My Dreams?? I don't think I even have the words that can describe it. But I shall try!! This book is by far one of the best books I have read this year so far! It was a quick read and very easy read. Yet it was packed with so much. It's emotional, heartbreaking, but it is also a tale of love and hope!!

Lizzy Hayes is waiting on her boyfriend Michael picking her up on their anniversary. However, he is late and she ends up falling asleep and having a dream about him. Only she wakes up with a phone call telling her that Michael was in an accident and that he was dead. Lizzy is then thrown into a world of ghosts and danger. And the with help of Michael's ghost she is trying to stay safe from the man who murdered Michael.

Lizzy is such a likable character and you can't help but feel heartbroken for her. Michael was her world. They had been together for four years and as the story progresses you can see just how much they truly loved each other. Which makes it even more heart wrenching because Michael is took from her way to soon. He is such an overall nice guy. It just didn't seem fair. But everything happens for reason right.

I downloaded this onto my kindle today and I finished it in one sitting! I was completely swiped away in the story. I could not put it down!! It was so beautifully written that is just flowed flawlessly. My only thing is that was the author had me in tears from start to finish. I swear I was just getting over one bit and than BAM!!!!! She would hit me with another emotional scene. So have some tissues if you cry easily!!

Without giving away any spoilers the ending of this book was AH-MAZ-ING!! And it's set up nicely if the author wanted to write more books in this world. And I think her series "Hidden Wings" is meant to be a kind of like a spin off. 
In My Dreams turns out to be the author debut novel originally released in 2011. Now I don't know if much of it has been changed but for a debut novel this is outstanding. I have read a lot of book and this is one of my favourites. I can't wait to read more of the author's work

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