Title: A Pug Like Percy
Format: Hardback
Pages: 384
Published: 3rd Nov 2016
Publisher: HQ
Source: Publisher for Review
Genre: Fiction, Festive
Shelfability: Covet
About The BookA furry festive miracle who’s there for you with a helping paw. Percy definitely isn’t just for Christmas…Percy is homeless, abandoned by his owner at an animal rescue centre on a cold winter’s night. So when he finds a loving new home with Gail and her family, his deepest wish is that this time, it’s forever.Gail hopes that Percy will be the little miracle that her family so desperately needs. Her young daughter, Jenny, is in and out of hospital and she’s only just holding things together with her husband, Simon.With the family at breaking point, and Christmas just around the corner, is Percy the furry friend they’ve all been waiting for?Full of hope and utterly heart-warming, A Pug Like Percy is the perfect read for fans of A Street Cat Named Bob and Alfie the Doorstep Cat.
A Pug
Like Percy is the first book I have managed to finished since August! It was
such a cute, magical and wonderful read that left me feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.
A Pug
Like Percy follows the adorable Percy. He is left at the rescue centre by his
owner. Having no idea why his owner, that he loved had abandoned him. He was giving
up hope until he meets Gail. And they form an instant Bond. Soon the Pug has a new
family but with Jenny being in and out of hospital and Gail and Simon's
marriage on the rocks can little Percy the dog be the Christmas miracle they
need to hold them all together?
I have
never read a book written from a dogs point of view. It was interesting and
delightful. It reminded me of the movie "The Secret Life of Pets" a
little bit. I adored Percy from the get
go. Why? Because he's a freaking PUG!! A Pug. Have you seen how cute those dogs
are? Percy is confused and hurt that his owner left him. He is scared no one
will ever love him again but when he meets Gail the love between them is
magical. Gail just gets Percy and the two form an instant bond between human
and dog. Percy is just loved by all his new family and he loves them all right
Percy's new
family is struggling though. However, Percy and his new park friends are trying
their hardest to fix things. The gang of dogs are a mixed bunch and seeing what
they can get up to is hilarious. Makes you wonder if dogs really can understand
each other and try to get up to mischief when their owners aren't looking. LOL.
The story
is a perfect Christmas read if you aren’t into Christmas books that are full of
romance. Yeah, there is a little romance in the book but it's mainly focused on
Percy and how he can make his family happy again. It's full of hope and cheers
and just a perfect quick read to snuggle up under a blanket and enjoy on a
winters night.
A Pug
Like Percy is Fiona's debut novel and if this is her debut I am in awe. As I
mentioned I haven't been able to finish a book since August because I have been
in an awful slump. Even my favourite book couldn't bring me out until I started
this little treasure. Percy definitely performed a miracle on me.
You can grab your copy now via the links above. And best getting your copy quick as it's only £4 for the hardback on Amazon UK and under £5 on Book Depository. Perfect Festive gift for Pug lovers!!
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