Guest Reviewer Needed!!

Destiny and Myself (Siobhan) are looking to take on a new reviewer for the blog. As the blog has grown, we have got a few big name publishers mailing lists and we get quite a few hardcopy books for review. However, as much as we love this our ebook reviews are suffering for it. We rarely get a chance to read ebooks because we are so swamped with other review books. So we are looking for someone to come on board at Totally Bookalicious to be our Ebook Reviewer!

Some info points you should know:
  • You will only receive ebooks for review from us.
  • Your reviews will be for this blog only! You can add them to amazon, goodreads etc but no other blog. 
  • You WILL NOT give the ebooks to anyone else. 
  • You don't have to review every ebook we send you. However, trying to read as many as you can would be a big help. 
  • You don't have set time frame to review any ebook, unless stated by the author or publisher.
  • Please try to keep your review from having any big spoilers. However, sometimes slight spoilers you can't help you state that clear the start of your review. 
  • Reviews will be sent to the blog email and I will add them, you won't be given an admin postition on the blog as this is a guest position. 
Think you could be our new reviewer? :
  • Fill Out the form below
  • If you have reviewed before please provide a few links in the form for us to look at.
  • Closes 15th June 2012
We are really looking forward to having a guest member added to our reviewing team!
If you have any questions please leave them below
or email us totallybookalicious(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk

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