Discussion Friday #2: Favourite Male from a Book Series.

Hopefully every week we will post a new discussion! We are always looking for future ideals so please leave some suggestion HERE 

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This week our Discussion is by Charlie over on Facebook. 
Favourite Male from a Book Series. 

 What a hard topic! I love to many males within books. And if you know me you know my ultimate crush is Jacob Black. But is he my favourite male? Honestly no - I know shock horror.

If I had pick just one male it would be:

Myrnin - Morganville Vampires Series.

Stuart Townsend
I love that crazy assed vampire so so much. He is completely crazy but lovable and adorable and awww when it come to Claire he can be super sweet. The main reason why I think he is my favourite is because he isn't sterotypical vampire. Yes, he can be scary at time, yes he never denies he would love to take a bite of people. But there is just something special about him. 

 Maybe it's the bunny slippers he wears. lol. Who knows. I just love him. I want me a Myrnin! There is never a dull moment when Myrnin is around.

What about you? Who is your favourite Male from a book series?? Leave your thoughts in the comments. I will do my very best to reply to everyone.

Have an idea for a future Discussion Friday? We would love to hear it. Fill out the form HERE



  1. I love Myrnin to! My male book crush would be Jean Claude from Anita Blake and my favourite character is Magnus Bane from Mortal Instruments

  2. I love Myrnin! One of my favourite vampires ever! He's just so crazy :) My favourite male from a book series would have to be Daemon Black from Obsidian. Do I really need to explain why ;)


  3. I love Myrnin. He just seems so crazy and fun.
    I think my fav male character is James Stark from HoN...although the series is not one of my favs anymore...I also love Dmitri from VA and of course there is always Edward:)

  4. I'd probably pick Marcus Flutie from the Jessica Darling series, or Ron Weasley from Harry Potter :) My two favourite redheads.


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