Blood Magic (The Blood Journels #1) Tessa Gratton

Format: ARC Paperback
Pages: 416
Published: 7th July 2011
Publisher: DoubleDay
Genre: YA Fantasy, Paranormal

For Nick Pardee and Silla Kennicot, the cemetery is the center of everything.

Nick is a city boy angry at being forced to move back to the nowhere town of Yaleylah, Missouri where he grew up. He can’t help remembering his mom and the blood magic she practiced – memories he’s tried for five years to escape. Silla, though, doesn’t want to forget; her parents’ apparent murder-suicide left her numb and needing answers. When a book of magic spells in her dad’s handwriting appears on her doorstep, she sees her chance to unravel the mystery of their deaths.

Together they plunge into the world of dark magic, but when a hundred-year-old blood witch comes hunting for the bones of Silla’s parents and the spell book, Nick and Silla will have to let go of everything they believe about who they are, the nature of life and death, and the deadly secrets that hide in blood.

I had seen this online for while so I contacted Tessa and she got in touch with DoubleDay and they kindly gave me a ARC to review. I am so glad I contacted them because this really one the best book of the 2011.

Blood Magic is about a teenage girl Silla is trying to come to terms with the horrific incident of her parents death. Nick has just moved to town where Silla stays he too has a tragic past that he hiding from the world. Together the both are thrown together over a spellbook that mysteriously turns up at Silla's home and together the try to unravel the events that took Silla's parents. However there is always a price to pay and what will their cost be?

There isn't too many characters in this novel. We have our two main characters, Silla and Nick, as well as a secondary cast of characters that really make this story intriguing and there is going to be a character everyone will like and of course hate. Silla is one of those characters who even though I couldn't imagine what she was going through I still felt connected to her. She is just so likable. She is hurting from the lose of her parents yet she is still getting on with her life and trying to life it. Nick really is a charming young man and its easy to see why Silla falls for him. He is harbouring some chilling secrets from his past that are unraveled as the story goes.

The story itself for this book is fantastic! Seriously its awesome! Its fast paced and full of suspense with a few twists and turns when revealing the baddy that I honestly didn't see coming. I thought I knew who the baddy was but Tessa suprise and left me in shock because I thought I had figured it and well I had no clue lol.

Blood Magic is one of those stories you simply can't put down no matter how hard you try. Between the cast and the enchanting and dark storyline Blood Magic is going to be massive hit. Tessa has managed to create such a dark tale for YA novel. She doesn't skip over any details and this I love it and some part even I was getting squeemish as I am not a big fan of blood.

I beg you READ THIS!. If you like your stories dark and enticing then this is the book for you. You will be gripped from page one. However, if you aren't a fan of blood then please approach with caution lol but don't let it put you off this story is amazing I just wanted to warn you.

Also due to some of the contain in this novel I feel its not suitable for younger readers.

Rate: 5/5

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  1. ive just added it to my wishlist :) thanks. im gonna get it now cus of your review

  2. its really good. Cant wait for the next book

  3. Thanks for the review! Added to my TBR list :)


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